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Guitar Fretboard Master – How to Play

Guitar Fretboard Masterをダウンロードいただき、ありがとうございます。このページでは、このアプリの使い方を説明します。

Thank you for downloading Guitar Fretboard Master! . This page explains how to use the app.

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Main Menu

Guitar Fretboard Masterは5つのモードを備えています。

Guitar Fretboard Master has 5 modes.
Please select the mode you want to play in from the menu screen.

 tap the button to select the mode.

 Start the game.

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Music Score & Piano

Music Score & Pianoモードは、五線譜を素早く読めるようになるためのモードです。五線譜に表示された音符をみて、ピアノ鍵盤をタッチします。

Music Score & Piano mode to help you learn to read music score quickly.read the notes on the music score and touch the piano keyboard.


In the Settings screen, you can set the game speed (the speed at which notes are generated). Slow is for low difficulty and Fast is for high.

 End game button

 A note appears on the music score

 Touch the correct key before the note reaches the left end

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Note Name & Fretboard

Note Name & Fretboardモードは、ギターの指板上の音をおぼえるモードです。表示された音名をみて、指板をタッチします。

Note Name & Fretboard mode is to memorize the notes on the guitar’s fretboard. Touch the fretboard when you see the name of the note displayed.


In the Settings screen, you can specify the game speed, and the strings and positions (frets) to be used.

 End game button

 The name of the note is displayed. Colored according to the color of the strings used.

③ 音名に対応するポジションをタッチしましょう。②の音名の色と同じ色の弦をタッチする必要があります。
 Touch the correct position. You need to touch a string of the same color as the color of the note name in ②.

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Music Score & Fretboard

Music Score & Fretboardモードは、五線譜をみながらスムーズにギター演奏ができるようになるためのモードです。五線譜に表示された音符をみて、指板をタッチします。

This mode is designed to help you learn to play the guitar while looking at the music score. Read the notes on the music score and touch the fretboard.


In the Settings screen, you can specify the game speed, and the strings and positions (frets) to be used.

 End game button

 A note appears on the music score. Colored according to the color of the strings used.

③ 音名に対応するポジションをタッチしましょう。②の音名の色と同じ色の弦をタッチする必要があります。
 Touch the correct position. You need to touch a string of the same color as the color of the note name in ②.

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Trainingモードは、落ち着いてゆっくり練習するためのモードです。「Note Name & Fretboard」「Music Score & Fretboard」の練習ができます。

Training mode is for calm and slow practice. The “Note Name & Fretboard” and “Music Score & Fretboard You can practice.


In the Settings screen, you can specify the strings and positions (frets) to be used.

 Display the setting screen


 Note are displayed on the music score.Also, note name are shown next to them. Notes and note names are colored according to the strings used.
*Press button to show or hide the note or note name.

③ 五線譜上の音符 / 音名に対応するポジションをタッチしましょう。②の音名の色と同じ色の弦をタッチする必要があります。
 Touch the correct position. You need to touch a string of the same color as the color of the note name in ②.

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Free Play

Free Playモードは、より自由に指板を学ぶためのモードです。コードトーンやスケールの練習にも役立ちます。

The Free Play mode is designed to give you more freedom to learn the fretboard. It is also useful for practicing chord tones and scales.

 Return to Main Menu.

Layer Scaleは、Main Scaleに重ねて表示するスケールです。
Layer Scaleの度数は、メインスケールのキーから見た度数となることに注意してください。

 You can select the scale to be displayed on the fretboard.
Layer Scale is a scale that is superimposed on the Main Scale.
For example, you can display a “C Major Triad” as the Main Scale, and then display a “D Minor Triad” above it.
 Note that the Layer Scale’s degrees is the degrees seen from the key of the Main Scale.

*ボタンを押すと 非表示 → 音名の表示 → 度数の表示 を切り替えることができます。

 Touch to play a sound. You can also check the scale.
Press the button to change the information displayed (note name or degree name).

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